
I’m Toby Newbatt

 I’m Toby, I’m a full-time content creator on YouTube, investor & teacher in all things personal finance and investing. I’m trying to help as many people as possible navigate the complex world and share everything I wish I had known before I fell into the topic. Before turning the camera on myself, I spent 10 years in IT sales where I’ve worked with major public and private sector organisations. 

Why listen to this guy?

I’ve been in your position before

I know what it’s like when you want to try and start investing, and even just get your head around it to begin with! There’s a tonne of technical jargon, complex ideas and lots of noise and I can help make it easy to digest – I promise it’s not as hard as it looks!

Learn from my mistakes

Believe me when I say, that I’ve made every rookie error you can imagine when it comes to personal finance and investing. From high interest debt, overdrafts and choosing terrible stocks! You name it, I’ve done it. There’s no reason you have to make the same ones and cost yourself huge amounts of money!

Let’s do it together

I’ve been on a journey over the last decade as an investor, I’ve spent hundreds of hours reading, researching and diving deep into the data (a lot of which I share on YouTube!). You don’t have to do this alone, and I believe that together we are stronger (or at least a little smarter!)

Is Investing right for me? Can you help?

I personally think that everyone can, and should, be able to invest their own money. For most of us, here in the UK at least, we aren’t taught any of this at school, at work, or even at home (at least I wasn’t!). Now is the time to change this, and get more people invested, and I believe that this is one of the best ways that normal people can grow their wealth in the long run. This is why I’ve created a simple to follow, but well detailed course with everything you can ever need to get started and be successful in investing (and be a lot better than I was when I started!)

Success Stories – TBC!

"To be confirmed - work in progress"

Toby Newbatt


Sunny Manchester, UK 🙂



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Public Speaking
1:1 Coaching
Content Creator
Copyright © 2024 Toby Newbatt